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The nursery is as close to finished as it’s going to get for the next few weeks. We’re still waiting on the awesome glider the grandmas got us, a floor lamp, and some stuff for the dress/changing table. Oh yeah, and a baby. But I think it’s ready for the early debut. The Design Guru will probably add some additional style magic when she photographs it for her porfolio, so I’ll be sure to share those pics.

These are from a quick grab of photos, and my flash was acting up so stay tuned for the really pretty pictures in a few weeks.

Left side of the room: painted book case, Indian wall hanging, some photos, and a placeholder for the glider.

Here's the crib (IKEA) and some decorations.

Check this puppy out: It's a toddler-sized duvet that was decorated with iron on images from David's and my photo portfolio. Brilliant!

The right side of the room: a hand me down dresser painted and then decorated for use as a changing table and storage. More iron on art above!

Decorative detail on the dresser, done by moi.

Underwater Eye Candy

David took a dive trip to the Flower Gardens in the Gulf of Mexico this week. He brought our D300 with it’s underwater casing for the first time, and took some pretty amazing photos. Enjoy!
Underwater Camo

Worm that looks like pinecones

David's Flower Gardens Dive 08


David's Flower Garden Dive Summer 08


Get out of my yard! Damn tourists!